megan evans Visual Artist
My Acknowledgement of Country
I acknowledge
That I live on the sacred sovereign land of the Wadawurrung.
I acknowledge that this sovereignty has never
been ceded.
I pay my respect to their elders past, present and future and to all Aboriginal people.
I acknowledge that I am an occupier.
I acknowledge that although I was born here,
I come from a history of occupiers
Who have yet to reconcile
with the people or the land they have occupied.
I acknowledge
that my ancestors
with ignorance, insensitivity
and brutality,
illegally occupied the land
of the Wurrundjerri, the Wongaibon and the Yaitmatang peoples
I acknowledge
that I grew up
treading on the sacred land
of the Kulin nation,
without knowledge or awareness,
blind to my cultures damage
to the First Nations people.
I acknowledge
That in my adult years
I have arrogantly thought
I knew better,
blind to my white privilege
spoke over my black brothers and sisters.
I acknowledge
that my success
is built on the struggle
of dispossessed others.
I acknowledge
that as yet, my culture continues
to deny this fact
and remains blind
to the effects of colonisation
and intergenerational trauma
on Aboriginal people
to this day.
I acknowledge
that the pain, grief and loss
of land and language
that my culture is responsible for
is reflected in our countries
I acknowledge
and take responsibility
for my peoples ignorance,
racism and cruelty.
On behalf of myself and my ancestors,
I offer my heartfelt apology.
I commit
to being open and humble,
to practice deep listening
and always respecting the knowledge and wisdom
of the first peoples of this land.
I stand for a future of shared mutual respect and partnership
with Indigenous peoples of this country and the world.