megan evans Visual Artist
Megan Evans - curriculum vitae
2003 Doctorate of Philosophy - Victoria University
1999 Advanced Diploma of Arts -Electronic Design and Interactive Media, RMIT, Melbourne.
1996 Certificate in Small Business Management.
1991 Masters in Fine Art, - Victorian College of the Arts,(University of Melbourne)
1980 Bachelor of Education, Art and Craft, Melbourne College of Advanced Education.
2023 Will OR Won't Project in Melbourne NOW, NGV Melbourne
2022 KELOID#9 - Annandale Galleries
2020/21 UNstable KELOID#8– Horsham Regional Gallery
Flesh After Fifty – Abbotsford Convent Laundries
Return – BoxoProjects, Joshua Tree California
2019 The Observance of Objects – Ballarat International Foto Biennale
2018 PARLOUR - Art Gallery of Ballarat
SQUATTERS AND SAVAGES – Benalla Art Gallery (with Peter Waples-Crowe)
Out Front – Gallery There, Melbourne
2017 SQUATTERS AND SAVAGES – Art Gallery of Ballarat (with Peter Waples-Crowe)
2015 UNreconciled, As a part of TREATMENT at Melbourne Water Western Treatment
Plant, Werribee Australia
UNsettling, Trocadero Art Space, Footscray, Melbourne.
2014 KELOID in Knots, Linkages and Grafting – Roslyn Smorgon Gallery,FCAC.
2013 MEET YOUR CRIMINAL ANCESTORS – The Royal Standard, Liverpool, UK
SIMPLICITY – BOXO Projects Joshua Tree California USA.
2012 REQUIEM – G3 Artspace, Parkdale, Victoria
2011 TO bee – BoxoFFICE Gallery, New York NY.
- fortyfivedownstairs Gallery, Melbourne
2009 The Fall – fortyfivedownstairs Gallery, Melbourne
2008 Precious – Ochre Gallery, Melbourne
2007 It’s so still there’s not a leaf moving – Ochre Gallery, Melbourne.
2006 Woven, (collaboration with Gayle Maddigan) Ballarat Fine Art Gallery
2003 The Sublime Sleep, Span Galleries, Melbourne.
2001 Sleepwalker, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne.
2000 Virtual Kelly (collaboration with Lisa Young) Bunker project, Linden Gallery
2000 Velvet Blue (collaboration with Lisa Young) First Floor Gallery.
1997 Immaterial Westspace Gallery, Melbourne.
1996 Vanished Madonna - re viewing landscape – Westspace Gallery, Melbourne.
1994 Viewpoint - Steps Gallery, Melbourne.
1993 Inexternal - Linden Gallery, Melbourne.
2023 Hadleys Art Prize 2023, Hobart Tasmania
2019 Nillumbik Contemporary Art Award
Deakin University Small Sculpture Award
Footscray Art Prize - Roslyn Smorgon Gallery,FCAC.
Playing with Matches – Incinerator Art Gallery
Rules of Engagement - Substation Gallery Singapore
2018 State of the Union – Ian Potter Museum, Melbourne
Staying Power – MARS Gallery Melbourne
TWS in Singapore – Australian High Commission, Singapore
Incinerator Art Award – Melbourne
Out Front - Gallery There, Melbourne
Performance and exhibition at AAA international conference at RMIT university
2017 Bureau for the Organisations of Origins – BOO, Blindside, Melbourne
RESTLESS – Margaret Lawrence Gallery - Melbourne.
9 x 5 - VCA 150 Alumni exhibition – Margaret Lawrence Gallery – Melbourne
2016 Sign of the Times – Not Fair Art Fair 2016
2015 London Summer Intensive – Camden Art Centre, London UK
Differences on Identity, San Lorenzo, Sala del Portale, Venice Itally
Joshua Tree Treenial, BoxoHOUSE, Joshua Tree, California
Finitude, Plimsol Gallery, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania
2014 The Meek Shall Inherit, The Hampden Gallery Fine Arts Centre, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
2012 The Meek Shall Inherit, BoxoFFICE Gallery, New York NY. USA
Wilson Visual Art Award, Lismore, NSW.
2010 2010 National Photography Prize, Albury Art Gallery
2008 Crossing Currents – New Indigenous Perspectives, Maroondah Art Gallery.
2005 Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize, South Australian Museum.
2004 Wyndham Contemporary Art Prize, Wyndham Cultural Centre.
2002 Synthetic Image, Monash University Gallery, Melbourne.
2002 Wyndham Contemporary Art Prize, Werribee
2001 Stellar, Centre for Contemporary Photography, Melbourne.
1999 Exposed, Linden Gallery, Melbourne
Handle with Care, Steps Gallery, Melbourne
1997 Transition Transcendence, Lyall Burton Gallery, Melbourne.
Work, Westspace, Melbourne.
30 Years on, Linden Gallery, Melbourne.
1996 Accessioned, De-accessioned, Reaccessioned, Old Port Melbourne Police Station, Melbourne Fringe
Studio, past and present studio artists, Linden Gallery, Melbourne.
Rubert Bunny Foundation 2, Linden Gallery, Melbourne.
The Art of Collecting #2, Linden Gallery, Melbourne.
Swan Street Spectacle, Everyone Goes to Dimmeys, Windows of Dimmeys, Swan Street Richmond.
1995 The Keith and Elizabeth Murdoch Travelling Fellowship, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne.
Shifting Grounds, Linden Gallery, Melbourne.
1994 Domain of the Other, Access Gallery, National Gallery of Victoria.
Richmond City Council Art Award, Richmond Town Hall.
1992 Banners of the World, Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow, UK
Public Sphere - Personal Vision - Public Space - Linden Gallery,
1991 Nineteen Artists, Ian Potter Gallery, Melbourne.
1990 Similar Differences, Remand Centre Public Art Project - Museum of Modern Art, Heidi, Melbourne.
2019 Winner Footscray Art Prize
2018 Artist in resident at AAA international conference at RMIT university
2016 New Work Grant – Visual Arts Board – Australia Council
2015 Slade Summer School – Slade School, of Art London England
2013 Artist in residence, Liverpool Biennale UK – Australia Council for the Arts
Artist in Residence, BoxoPROJECTS Joshua Tree, California, USA
2009 Artist in Residence, Victoria University
Artist in Residence, The Avoca Project.
2005 Arts Victoria, New Works Grant
2004 Wyndham Contemporary Art Prize (Open Category)
2002 Wyndham Contemporary Art Prize (3 Dimensional Category).
2000/02 Victoria University Post Graduate Scholarship
1999 Australia Council, Visual Arts and Crafts Fund
1994 Australia Council, Community Cultural Development Board Fellowship.
Australia Council, Community Cultural Development Unit Project Grant.
1993 Joan Baird Tower Studio Art Award - Highly Commended.
1992 Australia Council, Visual Arts Board Grant.
1991 Sir Ian Potter Award.
1990 Dorothy Francis Lawrence Award.
1984-89 Project Grants from - Victorian Ministry for the Arts, Australia Council, Myer Foundation, Reichstein
Womens Mural Documentation Project - https://digitalheritageaustralia.com/wm09/
Treatment; Six Public Artworks at the Western Treatment Plant – Edited by David Cross, 2017
Going Supernova, The bold paths of 101 Superachievers, pub Mentor insight USA, 2014 - ebook
The Flash of Recognition: Photography and the Emergence of Indigenous
Rights by Jane Lyndon, NewSouth Books, 2012
Internal Landscape, Rational Emotional, Artlink September Issue 2009
Aboriginal Art: Creativity and Assimilation by Donna Leslie, Macmillan 2008
Art Detectives by Michele Stockley, Second edition, Heinemann, 2006
The Courier, 1/7/06
The Age, 14/3/06
The New Indian Express, Chennai, Reuters, 14/3/06
The Makers Mark by Julie Shiels, in Artwork issue 62 Sept 2005
Cross Currents in Contemporary Australian Art by Traudi Allen, Craftsmen House, 2001.
The Age – Megan Backhouse 1/2/02
The Herald Sun – Alison Barclay 1/2/02
The Age – Robert Nelson 21/7/01
Geographies of Resistance, ed Steve Pike, Michael Keith, Resisting Reconciliation, essay by Jane Jacobs
Sightlines, Women’s Art from a Feminist perspective, by Sandy Kirby - Gordon and Breach.
Art Studies, by Max Darby - Published by Jacaranda Press.
Art Connections, by Jenny Aland and Max Darby - Heineman Education Australia.
Melbourne Our City Our Culture, City of Melbourne, Hyland House.
Art and Australia, Autumn Ed. supplement - Melbourne a City for the Arts.
Feminising Art Practices, by Sandy Kirby - Art Monthly, Sept Ed.
Reviews and articles between 1985 – 2004 in The Age, The Australian, The Herald Sun and The Leader newspapers
From the Ridiculous to the Sublime: Reflections on Learning, Life and Work, Ed Maureen Ryan, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam 2012.
Heteropia: New Spaces, Imprint, Vol 44, Number 4, Summer 2009
Internal Landscape, Rational Emotional, Artlink September Issue 2009
Shaking Down Art, Spirituality and Community, in Art and Soul, Flossie Peitsch, Published by Macmillan, 2006
Object, essay written in collaboration with Helen Lucas, in Writing Art, a series of essays on the Nillumbik Art Collection, 2006
Negotiating Public Space, Dialogue Dec 1996, essay Public Art Private Decision by Megan Evans
Artists Talk – Issues Facing Australian Artists, edited by Richard Holt and Brett Jones, Published by Westspace Inc. 1996
Opportunities and Challenges for Artists – Visions of Reality; Art in the Community and the Future – Published by City of Melbourne 1998.
2009 Landscape and Belonging, Examining the Place of Nature, Footscray Community Arts Centre.
2003 Illuminating the Exegesis – Ballarat University
2001 Women in the Arts - Footscray Community Arts Centre
1998 The Arts and Community – Exploring Links and Connections, Footscray Community Arts Centre
Visions of Reality, Art in the Community and the Future, City of Melbourne.
1996 Art Critical Political - Ian Burn Memorial Lectures, RMIT.
1994 ArtVictims - Next Wave Festival Public Forums, National Gallery of Victoria.
Cultural Barriers to Public Art, St Kilda Public Art Strategy.
Celebrating Women Artists, Forums, Domain of the Other, National Gallery of Victoria.
1993 Community Arts Versus the ‘Real Thang’, Arts Access.
Community Arts and Politics, Gippsland College of TAFE
1992 Australian Trade Union Banners, Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow, UK.
Art and Hard Work - Hidden Imagination Forum, National Gallery of Victoria.
Public Art, Who is it for? - Linden Gallery, St Kilda Arts Centre.
New Directions for Public Art, Queensland Art Gallery.
1991 Art and Social Change, Our Place, Our Culture, Our Future, Fourth Annual Conference, Arts Council of
Australia National Conference, Canberra.
1990 Industrial Issues, Cultural Tools, National Art and Working Life Conference, Melbourne.
1987 Women Art and Culture, Public Forum, Melbourne University.
2016 Women’s Mural – retro recycle rebirth – Melbourne Festival Tram Project
2009 A Place of Dwelling (collaboration with Gayle Maddigan) Avoca Eco Living Festival, Avoca.
2005 Produced Second Helping, a play written by John Harding from Collaboration, ‘Sit Down at my Table’
2004 Woven Histories – (collaboration with Gayle Maddigan for the Department of Victorian Communities for
Eureka 150th) Ballarat Botanical Gardens.
2004 Tracks Commission by Wyndham City Council
2002 Venetian Houses (collaboration with Shanrah Austin) for Next
Wave Festival – Melbourne City Square.
2000/01 Confluence – A Meeting of Waters - Australian Bulk Alliance Silo’s Urban Art Project (collaboration with
Glenn Romanis) Appleton Dock, Melbourne Docklands
1999 Aboriginal Cultural Signage Project Stage 1, Research and Consultation
1998 St Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne, Stone Pavement Inlay (collaboration with artist Glen Romanis) for the
Aboriginal Catholic Ministry within the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.
1997 Simulacra Mural Gilles St Fairfield, (collaboration with artist Sal Cooper)
1995/94 Another View Walking Trail, Pathway of the Rainbow Serpent. (collaborative project with Ray Thomas and
Robert Mate Mate) - Melbourne City Council.
1994 Queen Victoria Hospital/Women’s Centre, Artists collaboration on conceptual proposal for Art content as
addendum to Architectural brief.
1989 Paintings Drawing and Prints for the public access areas of the Melbourne Remand Centre - Office of
1988 Australian Bank Employees Union Banner - ABEU.
1987 Operative Painters and Decorators Union Banner - OPDU.
Art Gallery of Ballarat, Australia
National Gallery of Victoria, Australia
Victoria University, Australia
Private collections in Australia and USA
2019 ongoing Visual Art Curator at Wyndham Art Gallery – City of Wyndham – notable exhibitions include – WAR 2015, RACE 2016, STOLEN WEALTH 2019, co-curated with Maree Clarke.
2009 A New Silk Road – exhibition of work by Students from Northwest University in China and Victoria
2005 Black on White – an exhibition of photographs by Aboriginal artists representing non-Aboriginality
co-curator with Maree Clarke – Centre for Contemporary Photography.
2005 Operation Art – an exhibition by nurses and about nursing – Meatmarket, Melbourne.
2000 Handle with Care – eight artists work based on stories of workplace accidents – co-curator with Lisa Young
1998 Body Object – An exhibition based on the stories of six injured workers, Steps Gallery, Melbourne.
1997 Art Working Working Art – Visual art prize for the CPSU, Steps Gallery.
1996 Swan Street Spectacle – 24 artists exhibiting in the windows of Dimmeys and the shops on Swan St
Richmond – co-curator with Elizabeth Boustead
1994 The Art of Nursing – for the ANF Victorian Branch – Steps Gallery, Melbourne
1988 White on Black – 200 years in question – co-curator – Northcote Town Hall.
2009 Humbaba – 6 minute animation done with children from Soweto, Sth Africa and Doreen Primary School
2004 Woven Histories (collaboration with Gayle Maddigan) and Ballarat Community in Blanket Weaving
Sit Down at my Table (collaboration with John Harding)
2003 Triage Artist in Schools project with Galvin Park Secondary College – 15min video
2003 Public Faces Public Spaces (collaboration with the young people of Werribee) to create a window
installation in the Werribee Cultural Centre
1995/96 Swan Street Spectacle, including ‘Everyone Goes to Dimmeys’ - initiated and curated exhibition of
installations by artists in shop windows, in collaboration with artist Elizabeth Boustead.
1993 Celebrating Women Banners, National Gallery of Victoria - researched and painted with women from
Flemington, Kensington and North Melbourne.
1992 Eltham Environmental Mural, Shire of Eltham - designed and painted with local youth for Eltham Council.
From the Mountains to the Sea K Division Mural, Pentridge - designed and painted with inmates.
We all wind up green in the end, Connies and Drivers painted tram designed and painted with employees
from six depots for the Public Transport Corporation.
St Kilda Health Centre Bus - designed and painted with local homeless youth.
1991 Inside / Outside Gill Memorial homeless men’s hostel - designed and painted mural with day residents.
1989 Designed and painted float for the Wurrundjeri Tribal Elders.
1988 For a World without Borders Pathfinder Press International Mural Project, New York City, USA
1987 Northcote Youth Mural, Northcote City Council - researched and designed with local youth, painted in
collaboration with artists Les Griggs and Marina Baker.
1987 / 89 Artist/Director of the Victorian Trades Hall Council Arts Workshop.
1986 Peace Tram, Transporting Art, Victorian Ministry for the Arts - painted with artist Eve Glenn.
1985/86 From Bonbonniere to Barbed Wire, Women’s Mural, Smiths Street Fitzroy - researched, designed and
painted in collaboration with artist Eve Glenn.
1984/85 Northcote Koorie Mural - Researched and designed mural in consultation with members of the Victorian
Aboriginal Community Built wall and painted mural with trainee artists Les Griggs, RayThomas, Millie
Yarran, Ian Johnson and Elaine Trott, administered by the Aborigines Advancement League.
2010/2011 Chair of the City of Melbourne Public Art Advisory Panel
City of Melbourne Arts Advisory Committee
2008/2012 City of Melbourne Public Art Advisory Panel
2004/06 South Project Consultative Committee
South Project Selection Committee.
2002/06 Arts Victoria – Artist Development for Communities and Arts Residencies Programs assessment panel.
2005/6 Donkey Wheel - philanthropic trust – Gifting committee
1986/88 Vice President Painters and Decorators Union
1985/88 Arts Committee Operative Painters and Decorators Union
I have supervised both Masters and PHD students and been an examiner for both levels of study for the following universities as an external examiner – RMIT, Monash University, Victoria University and Melbourne University (VCA)